Turning Point

Turning Point provides a safe and caring home environment where our clients and case managers work together to create a stable foundation for independent living. These services are provided to men exiting substance use treatment, incarceration, and homelessness.

Turning Point Admission

About Turning Point

When Heroes Home Gate expanded into a larger space, the former location was left vacant. Quickly it became apparent that the anser to the question of what to do with the house was "house people". Thanks to the hard work of Heroes Home Gate staff, Turning Point was established in 2021 to provide a long term solution for men exiting in-patient drug treatment without a housing plan. Since then, Turning Point has expanded to having its own staff and serving men exiting substance use treatment, incarceration, and homlessness.
Turning Point works very closely with Heroes Home Gate and encourages all service eligible Veterans to persue that program.

What Turning Point Does

Turning Point focuses on eliminating barriers to long term independent housing and building our clients' confidence in their own capability to lead a long, happy, sober life and acomplish their goals.
Turning Point strives to provide the most home-like environment possible. Services are provided in a three story house where residents live, cook, relax, and grow. There are no hours where clients are universally required to leave and clients are encouraged to maintain an active professional and social life. Turning Point provides case management services, sobriety counseling, and a structure to help clients meet thier self identified goals. Turning Point is commited to non-descrmination and welcomes clients of all sexualities, faiths or lack thereof, races, and creeds. Turning Point does have ADA compliant spaces for clients with limited mobility,


For entrance into the program, clients can either directly reach out, or have their case manager make a referal. For any questions regarding admission email turningpoint@kcfootprints.org
Turning Point Admission


2015 E 35th St
Kansas City, MO 64109

For information

Contact us at turningpoint@kcfootprints.org

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