Our Team & Board

We are seeking board members

Footprints Inc. board currently consists of five board members. We are looking to add two more board members who are passionate about serving their community through recovery outreach and transitional housing support for veterans and others. We are looking for diverse backgrounds and experiences. Self identified gaps in our board diversity include:
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Our Board

Joel Bailey
Board Member

Joel Bailey

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Dr. Stan Archie

Dr. Stan Archie

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John Brewer

John Brewer

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Joel Ritchie
Board Chair

Joel Ritchie

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Faye Johnson-Kendrick
Board Member

Faye Johnson-Kendrick

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M.A.M.A.s House Staff

Recovery Center Staff

Heroes Home Gate Staff

Turning Point Staff

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you, whether you are needing help, wanting to make a donation, or simply interested in learning more about our work.